The New Look patterns are finally here, I wonder why they always release them significantly later than the other collections
The good
Capes are one of the most inefficient articles of clothes, your arms stick out like some fabulous T-Rex, your body turns into the shape of a fierce bell, in cold weather you get drafts up your cape, in hot are wearing a cape. There's no good time to wear a cape, which is why they are awesome! There's no point at which you can blend in wearing a cape, which is why I love 'em! People will ask you what your superpower is and the answer, my reader: "I look more fabulous in a cape than you ever could, muthahfuckah!"
This main dress is perfect, the other ones I could care less about. The tiny bit of detail at the shoulders, the pleat at the neckline, and the obi belt are the perfect combination to make this dress a little bit fun and a lotta bit put together. I fell asleep last night imagining new color combinations. The first one will have a royal blue body with orange accents.
The ok patterns
I love long sleeve, short dresses and I love that high collar, but I'll probably never go for this pattern. Too shapeless and referential for me. Also, I think this pattern already exists.
Ok, I'm adding this pattern, not because I think its a nice dress. Its remarkably unflattering and has a weird 5-year-old and cheerleader justaposition to it. I'm adding this in the ok group because I see where the patterns makers were going with this. Now I don't know how to fix this model flesh colored monstrosity, less stiff fabric, some other treatment on the skirt except pleating, lose the *shudder* puff sleeves? Maybe a sleeves version done in two different colors. Hey, that idea has teeth.
Not a bad pattern, the contrast piece has some interest to it. Good tunic pattern.
I hate tunics because they are worn with the demon legging. Do you know how many bare butts I see on one day's worth of using public transportation in the fall due to inappropriate legging use? You would hate them too.
Need another lace dress with a faux sweetheart neckline? This has been done already and better, but I don't blame this on New Look copying, I blame this on Taylor Swift. I think I'll blame more things on Taylor Swift.
Although, I gotta say. Matching the plaid like they did on this skirt really messed up the look of the ruffle. I never thought I would say that someone shouldn't have matched up a pattern.
The idea of having a contrasting front and side panel to the skirt is a nice and trendy idea, but can you image putting that peplum on the long skirt? That would look horrible!
Fall jam-jams! Not bad, but why is she wearing pumps? And she looks more flammable than southern California.
The bad (now this is just an opinion, if you makes one of these and love it, please don't quote me as the anti-Christ)
That's some fierce lady Vulcan work wear. The stylists really should have gone whole hog and done her eyebrows right.
Why is this so unflattering?!??!
Need an 80's coat to cover up your black leotard? Do I have the pattern for you!
This is ugly and boring and view A with the peplum was just made on Project Runway for a modern, stylish woman.
Good night and good luck.